I was on vesperia goofing around with seeing if I could mimic input delay by adding a start and end delay through steam input since I'm playing vesperia coop over parsec with someone on the other side of the earth and have been messing up simple shit like the cerberus strike loop and while I was at it I tried some junk with every character before landing on ol judy as usual
got to wondering "gee luna rise is really fast I wonder if there are more arte chain reset paths I can use it for" which started with a grounded thunder moon (spear) manual cancel into grounded luna rise working, then I saw the little pop up from luna havoc and thought "huh wonder if I can luna rise soon enough after luna havoc hits and hit that without flying past like luna rise usually does" and indeed I could
one of my favorite things to do is open up vesperia and see where I can fit patty's spinny gun move (up normal attack in braniac/LB+up in critical)
it's just a good feeling move man
Based on theme by Repth